Eduard Samuel Adriaan van Musschenbroek
Born 25 August 1916 Farmhouse ‘De Dompt’ Gemert.
Fusilladed 1 July 1943 by the Germans in the Dunes in Overveen

Sam van Musschenbroek was only 26 when he was killed. He was an active member of the resistance in ww2 and was part of the group that on 27 March 1943 set the Amsterdam register of inhabitants on fire. Based on this register the Germans could easily identify Jewish inhabitants. The group was betrayed and rounded up within two weeks after the attack. Most of the members – including Sam - were sentenced to death and fusilladed in the early morning of 1 July 1443 in the Dunes of Overveen.

The following story gives not only a overview of his life, but also gives an insight in his character and his motives to do what he did, or as it is stated on his grave in Overveen:
Tout ce qui m’est passé était nécessaire et bien la peine